“Long COVID” Cognitive Impairments and Their Implications for the Special Education Community

On July 22, 2021, The Lancet published an article by Adam Hampshire, et. al., in which the findings reported that…

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Pandemic Era Special Ed.

This video is not a regular part of any of our YouTube or Patreon programming. It’s something that we just…

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Public Education Version 2.0 and the Power of Stay-Put

I’m pained to open with the platitude that these are unprecedented times. We all already know that and belaboring it…

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What About Kids with FAPE Claims that Pre-Date Quarantine?

As much as special education in general is all up in the air in most quarantined school districts, with unlawful…

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USDOE’s COVID-19 Special Ed Guidance to State & Local Ed Agencies

The United States Department of Education (USDOE) has issued guidance to state and local education agencies regarding the implementation of…

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Special Education Still Has to Be Individualized During Quarantine

During these unprecedented times of both urgency and delay, I’m finding that the ways in which I share relevant information…

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Texas Education Agency Due Process Guidelines During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In light of the sheltering in place and social distancing currently underway around the country, including in Texas, the Texas…

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