Online Trolls, Mental Health, & Social Justice

For the benefit of the majority of Americans who are capable of understanding what I’m about to say, I appreciate…

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Locus of Control in the Classroom & the World at Large

I watch the news and read up on a lot of court cases and pending legislation these days because all…

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Trauma-Informed Special Education Evaluations & Programming

Attention is finally being given to the effects of childhood trauma on childhood development and learning, but it’s still not…

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Legitimate Parent Advocacy vs. Conspiratorial Movements

As much as the work we do at KPS4Parents focuses on social justice issues that include parents’ legal rights in…

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Technology and the Intersectionality of Larry P.

Based on the professional peer-reviewed research, intersectionality can be understood as the phenomenon in which an individual person’s social position…

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OCR Complaint Results in District-wide Compensatory Education

I’m long overdue to post new content to the KPS4Parents blog, podcast, and social media, but it’s been a busy…

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Interview of Rose Griffin, SLP & BCBA

Anne ZachryWelcome to Making Special Education Actually Work, an online publication presented in blog and podcast form by KPS4Parents. As…

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Is LAUSD Run by a Fascist Mafia?

The school year hasn’t even started yet and Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the second-largest school district in the…

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Recent Uptick in Behavioral Challenges

Now that the Fall 2021 half of the regular school year has come to an end and all the students…

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Pandemic Era Special Ed.

This video is not a regular part of any of our YouTube or Patreon programming. It’s something that we just…

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