Pandemic Era Special Ed.

This video is not a regular part of any of our YouTube or Patreon programming. It’s something that we just needed to put out there because there are a lot of parents looking for answers, right now, and we have at least some answers that can benefit many families of children with disabilities and an ethical obligation to share that knowledge.

This isn’t a short video, but that’s what the pause button is for. You can always save it and come back to it later to finish, if you need to. You can watch it once and save it in case you need to refresh your memory later on about something. It’s a tool to help parents still dealing with shutdown and distance learning involving their children with special needs.

We’re going to leave this up on our YouTube and Patreon channels, our Facebook page, and our blog for so long as it remains relevant because we expect a whole lot of families will be going online searching for answers throughout this current new school year as the pandemic continues to rage throughout the country. No one really knows how long it will be before the pandemic is brought under control, and we all have to be prepared for shutdowns to come and go periodically as flare-ups happen until it is finally reigned in. Right now, many areas are currently on shutdown, including many parts of California.

Mentioned in this video, are two reference items:

  • New California legislation and California Department of Education (CDE) guidance as to school districts’ duties under the law, as supplemented by the new legislation, including the provision of in-home, in-person special education services if they are necessary for students to receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) during shutdown:
  • A recent stay-put order issued by California’s Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) requiring in-person, in-home services to implement a student’s IEP during shutdown:

Additionally, in the video, the procedures adopted by one school district to provide in-person, on-campus special education assessments during shutdown using appropriate safety protocols were referenced. They can be viewed here:

Also, the book, From Emotions to Advocacy, by Wrightslaw, was referenced during the video as an excellent resource for parents trying to keep their cool and work strategically as they advocate for their children with special needs. You can find it here: *

If you have questions about special education, including school closure-related concerns, please post a comment or email us at Find us online at



YouTube Special Education Quick-Fix Videos:

Patreon Channels:

Anne’s t-shirt reads, “Science. Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.” While we couldn’t find the exact same design, we found this great design with the same statement at: *

* Note: Fundraising affiliate links are included in this post. KPS4Parents is a non-profit organization and funds raised are applied towards our costs of providing low cost and pro bono lay advocacy services to children with special needs and their parents who are unable to pay our regular hourly rate, which is billed at cost.

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Copyright 2020, KPS4Parents. All rights reserved.

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