We specialize in assisting individuals with disabilities from early childhood to adulthood to access benefits from publicly funded service providers and resources. This includes public education, regional center services, public rehabilitation programs, employment, and access to care. We work with individuals with disabilities, their family members, and their service providers to achieve appropriate programming in accordance with each program’s regulatory requirements.
The needs of each individual are unique from person to person. Students have differing abilities across all aspects of learning both from classroom instruction and just life experiences in general. No matter whether a person is enrolled in any kind of formal education, all living people are lifelong learners. Regardless of unique individual need, all people can learn and increase their individual independence according to their own respective capacities, whether in the classroom, workplace, community, or home.
The impact of our advocacy services to parents and other family members of individuals with disabilities provides peace of mind and better outcomes for everyone involved. Helping learners of all ages and abilities achieve their capabilities and function as independently as possible makes for happy, healthy families.
By bringing our expertise in individual student data analyses, public agency regulatory requirements, and dispute resolution processes, we help identify solutions and provide information that supports educators and specialists in building their knowledge of educational program design and evaluation.
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