Fecal Smearing, Disability, and the January 6, 2021 Insurrection

This is not a pleasant topic at all, so I want to start out this post/podcast with the understanding that…

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“Consequences” Doesn’t Mean “Punishment” in ABA

Links for contacting us to ask questions: DM on IG: https://instagram.com/kps4parents DM on FB: https://facebook.com/KPS4Parents Email: info@kps4parents.org Post a comment…

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Amazon Gift Card Contest

KPS4Parents will be giving away a $10 Amazon eGift card on March 31, 2022! It’s easy to enter to win.…

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Recent Uptick in Behavioral Challenges

Now that the Fall 2021 half of the regular school year has come to an end and all the students…

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An Appeal to My Colleagues

I have a million other things I need to be doing right now, but this is one of those moments…

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Getting Help with Post-Shutdown IEPs

Download a PDF of the written transcript of the audio from this video by clicking here. In this video, Anne…

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“Long COVID” Cognitive Impairments and Their Implications for the Special Education Community

On July 22, 2021, The Lancet published an article by Adam Hampshire, et. al., in which the findings reported that…

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Using ABA Principles to Navigate the IEP Process

One of the things I’ve been trying to get across to people for years is the understanding that Applied Behavioral…

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