Using ABA Principles to Navigate the IEP Process

One of the things I’ve been trying to get across to people for years is the understanding that Applied Behavioral…

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School Personnel, Conspiracy Theories, & Child Welfare

On January 6, 2021, a group of people, radicalized by false propaganda generated by the 45th President of the United…

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The Fundamental Flow of IEP Creation

Trying to piece together the actual special education process from the implementing federal regulations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education…

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Understanding Who’s Responsible for FAPE with NPS Placements

I had an experience today at an IEP meeting for a student we represent that made me realize that there…

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Podcast: Partial Parental Consent on IEPs & Assessment Plans

On January 5, 2009, we originally published “Partial Parental Consent on IEPs and Assessment Plans”. Throughout this school year, KPS4Parents…

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California SLPs Sometimes Confuse Legal Requirements

Today’s posting will hopefully lay to rest a misunderstanding that seems to plague special education in California. I can only…

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Understanding Who Is and Who Is Not Eligible for Special Education

Eligibility is a very confusing concept for most parents trying to negotiate their ways through the bureaucracy of special education. It’s…

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