Poll for Jan. 15, 2022 Meetup

I have started an online special education advocacy group on Meetup, and our first bi-weekly meeting is scheduled for January 15, 2022. In advance of our first meeting, we’re collecting information about what will be discussed.

If you intend to participate in our upcoming meeting of January 15, 2022, or would otherwise like to inform the discussion, please answer the following poll question by no later than January 10, 2022:

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Coming Soon
Which of the following issues do you think is the most important currently facing special education students right now?
Which of the following issues do you think is the most important currently facing special education students right now?

I’m looking forward to expanding our outreach to parents and professionals involved in special education through Meetups. Feel free to share this information with others who might benefit from it. ~ Anne

Autism Speak’s Official Video of the 11/14/09 Walk Now

Here is Autism Speaks’ official video of the November 14, 2009 Walk Now in Santa Barbara. (See if you can spot me at our booth for about a micro-second towards the end.)

Photos from the 2009 Walk Now for Autism Speaks

All pictures were taken at the November 14, 2009 Walk Now for Autism Speaks event.

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